How to Apply TheBuildCard offer and Get Benefits
The Concept of The BuildCard for those consumers, who had already rejected from other financial institution. offers for those particular consumers who would like to start build their high credit score through using it in a right way.
Unsecured cards are one of the best options for poor credit scorer. Secure credit cards needs deposit to use it while unsecured cards doesn’t requires any deposit that is why TheBuildCard is quiet attractive for consumers.
To get an invitation to register, visit the website to apply online application process to get the BuildMasterCard offer. – How to Apply the BuildCard Offer
Table of Contents
- Customer needs the promotional offer in the mailbox
- Navigate to application URL for further proceeding
- Enter your application ID and offer code
- You may need at least 7 days to arrive your card by mail
- After receiving, activate your card and use it everywhere you want but make sure the acceptance of MasterCard
- Keep away your wife from your email because may she throw in the trash
Join the BuildCard for Enhancing Credit Score
This is the ultimate solution for those who suffer a serious cash crunch and have no option to consider. The unsecured card has a bunch of good and bad attribute that might be the effect your credit score. You should have to know a better understanding of APR before applying for a Card
Through this card, you can rebuild your credit quickly. This card will help those who want to add their credit reports because this card submits a report to all three major bureaus.
List of Other Credit Card Features
- Mymilestonecard benefits
- Younkers credit card benefits
- Scheels credit card benefits
- FirstsavingsCC benefits
- Surge Credit Card
List of Other Debit Card Features
What important to learn/TheBuildCard
Annual fees: First year membership fees charges is $72 and when starting second year, you have to pay $6 per month charges.
No balance transfer: You can’t transfer money with this card, will use only for shopping or advance cash.
Charges on late payment: Customer must pay $35 charges on late payment or returned payment
Account setup charges: You will pay $53 only once for opening your account
What are the Key Benefits of TheBuildCard
- Does not need any deposit to get access to a credit line unlike secured card restriction
- Customer can access online 24/7 to their account or with the help of App
- Received clear upfront pricing with the affordable credit option
- Customer can use their card anywhere in the world, where MasterCard is accepted
- A cardholder can make online bill payments with nominal charges
Apply Online & Login BuildCard
Card Highlights
- Customer doesn’t need any security deposit because it is an unsecured type of card
- No charges claim to the cardholder if he used this card in any overseas area
- Often it happened if you spend more than your limit, doesn’t charge over-limit fees
- Special financing offer on the purchase of more than $500
Address for the Payment of BuildCard
- Regular Mode of Payments: Build Card, P.O. Box 660269 Dallas, Texas 75266-0269
- Overnight Mode of Payment: Build Card, P.O. Box 660269, Attention: Lockbox Operations 2701 East Grauwyler Road, BLDG 1 Irving TX 75061
Thebuildcard Rates and Charges
As we earlier said that thebuildcard is an unsecured product that is why the consumer doesn’t have to pay any amount for the security deposit. These unsecured loans are also known as “Signature Loans” which means that there is nothing to pledge except consumer signature. In general, the consumer agrees to repay the unsecured loan at the right time but there is no promise or guarantee except for the consumer’s consent.
Although this is a better offer because you have nothing to lose. Surely, you won’t pay any amount for a fixed deposit rather you have to pay some other charges in the name of upfront that won’t get back.
- You have to pay a set-up fee: $53
- The membership fee is: $72 up-front for the first year and $6/ month for 2nd year
After paying the fee in the name of up-front charges and membership fee, your card limit will be $500 and the charges will be deducted from your card when your card is active. In the end, you will be staring to use actually $375 until you pay these dues.
There are many financial companies’ offers the best credit cards on the market with the condition of annual fees such as Chase Sapphire Preferred which is cost annually $95. A consumer can earn reward points on every purchase you make which is definitely an extra perk that no one offer yet.
However, thebuildcard doesn’t have offer any reward points on any purchase. On the other hand, the Discover Secured Card has no annual fee and offers 1% cashback on all the purchases consumer make.
TheBuildCard’s APR
Consumer will be charged 29.9% on every purchase with thebuildcard. If the consumer pays the full balance to Credit Card Company then there will be no charges in the form of APR. But confusingly in this specific case, it will not happen for the build card consumer.
TheBuildCard issuer company, Republic Bank calculate the interest rate which is called the “daily periodic rate”. The Company divide your APR by 365 to figure out how much interest consumer charged per day. So avoiding these higher amounts of interest, the consumer should need to pay off the full balance as soon as possible.
Best Advice: Pay off your loan amount as early, making this habit will save your valuable asset.
What is APR and How it is Important to Understand?
By the definition, APR is the annual percentage rate or interest rate which is a yearly rate. APR is really important to know for every consumer because it can give the consumer an idea to know how much the consumer will pay on borrowing money.
Generally, people mix the interest rate and annual percentage rates. Both things are the same when we are discussing credit cards while both have a different meaning when we consider loaning.
The value of the interest rate is what the actual lender charges the consumer to borrow money. APR is including the interest rate and the charges that the consumer to pay to take out the loan. So the understanding of APR is really helpful to the consumer to know the exact amount of interest to pay back.
How to Calculate APR’s Formula
Most people think that APR is difficult to calculate while it is simple to calculate if you have any idea of interest rates. As we earlier discuss that the credit card and loan agreements vary in term of their nature of interest rates, late instalment charges and other factors.
APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
Principle = Total amount of Loan
n = number of days
Interest = Total amount of interest paid
APR = (Interest+Fees/Principl/n) multiply by 365 then multiply by 100
Types of Unsecured loan
Different types of unsecured debts are available in the market.
Credit Cards:
You can say credit cards are unsecured loan. Generally, you didn’t consider them as loans because the nature of the credit card is different from other forms of unsecured loans. You borrow money only when you need to use this credit card to fulfil your needs.
Personal Loans:
This form of unsecured loan is always available from banks and other financial lenders that offer online to borrow money. The borrower can use this loan anywhere he wants to spend on their needs.
Student Loans:
Generally these types are loans are unsecured. In some cases, people use this money for their homes. But in the real form of the loans are purely unsecured which issues through the department of education.
Can Call to Build Card Customer Service
Phone: Customers can call any time on this number for any enquiry 1-800-634-9558
Txt: Write “Help” to this number 88100 at anytime