rich snippet

What is a Rich Snippet? A Brief Look for SEO!

rich snippet


For every website, the goal is to get rank on the first page of the website. Such rank can only be attained using high-quality backlinks and content.

Such techniques are the most famous for doing search engine optimization. Apart from backlinks, there is some other good SEO strategy such as Rich Snippets.

Understanding about Rich Snippets

Whenever an individual searches for google, it shows a good number of results. Most of these results include the following three things.

  • The URL
  • The headline of the page
  • Meta description.

According to SEO experts, India supports microdata, which is mostly supported by annotations. Various websites use tools like open graph tags or Twitter cards to form the structured data markup.

What is a Rich Snippet?

It is additional information for the user review or the ratings. Rich Snippets allow users to share information about results that gives more trust value to it.

Rich Snippets provides information that allows users to compare the results and help them to click the right link. Also, rich snippets are useful to increase click-through rates.

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Importance of Rich Snippets for SEO

Now since you have gained some insights about the rich snippets, we will discuss the importance of them and why you should have them. Rich snippets allow you to stand out from the competitors on the search engine results. Most of the snippets look nice and give the visibility of the website.

Rich snippets are also important as they improve the search engine rankings; with more clicks on your result, Google will notice that many users like to prefer your website over others. Hence it will increase your rank eventually.

How to Insert The Rich Snippets To Your Website?

Currently, Google does it for you if your website is structured properly. It helps you to add structured data to your website. Structured data is a specific code of few lines written in such a way that search engines can read.

Search engines like Google use the code that generates the rich snippets for the website.

Also, there are many other ways that you can use to add the structured data markup on your website.

  • Manually: if you are good at coding, you can code the rich snippet for yourself. For that, you are allowed to use three formats for the data such as JSON-LD, RDFa, and Microdata.
  • Google tag manager: if you are familiar with Google tools like google tag manager, then it would be quite easy for you to use it for structured data markup.
  • Google data Highlighter: it is one of the most used tools. It comes with a straightforward choice to highlight the structured data about your website.
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Places Where You Can Use The Structured Data Makeup

  • Music: If you own a website that is related to music, you can add content like Previous music albums, link to some new content, streaming links, and much more. It would create structured data for all the music on the website.
  • Videos: You can embed videos with some of the important information, like the creator of the website, duration, license, and much more.
  • Reviews: A sort of aggregator can be useful to put the structured data to all the user reviews. Also, it gives you a choice to show both individual or aggregated reviews.
  • Products: If you run an eCommerce store, you should definitely use the rich snipes. It will help you to add some useful information such as the image, brand, user review, and much more that will improve the user experience.
  • Business: If you run a business, you can use rich snippets to add information such as the business details, logo to your business page.

What Mistakes Should You Not Make By Adding The Structured Data Markup To Any Website?

If you have decided to add rich snippets, you should ensure that all your pages should show the same result. In many cases, Google shows rich snippets for only a few pages, and for the rest, it omits.

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Once you add the rich snippets, you should wait for some days since google takes time to reflect those changes in your website.

However, in some cases, the search results can come and go, but for some websites, it takes around two months to showcase your rich snippets permanently.

Hence it is quite essential for you to not constantly make changes in the code. If you want to make any changes in the code, you should do it after two months if you don’t get the desired outcome.

What Tools You Can Use To Get The Rich Snippets For the Website

If you are looking to add some structure to your website, it might look quite daunting, but here we will discuss the tool that would help you. Yoast SEO is one of the most preferred tools for SEO. It comes with a powerful framework that allows you to implement structured data.

Yoast SEO is a useful tool for adding the structured data graph for every page on the website or post. A graph is simply structured data that allows the search engine to understand the type of content you write on your page or the website post.

Yoast SEO would offer you several kinds of structured data templates for how-tos, FAQs, and much more. You can use it to get rich results for the specific type of content.


Rich snippets were used by several search engineers, and many of them are still adapting the rich snippets to ensure the best result. Rich Snippets would not display all the results, but it would change after a specific duration.

Rich snippets are the best approach to follow in order to get more clicks. Also, it is always ethical. You need to be less concerned about it when it comes to SEO. If you are not able to add rich snippets, you can contact AIS Technolabs; it would help you and offer you complete guidance to add rich snippets to your website.

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