What Should Your Business Blog Be About?

If you are thinking about starting up a blog on social media for your business, you may be trying to figure out what to write about. Do you write only on topics that you know well and that you don’t really need to research? Do you write only about topics that are closely related to your business? Should you discuss politics or religion? These are questions you need to ask yourself and need to figure out the answers to before you plunge ahead with your blog.

Start Where Your Know

You have experience and are an expert in one area or another. That is where you should begin your blog. Tell people what you know and draw them in with your specialized skills and knowledge. This will help your online presence and your business.

If you try to start writing about things that you don’t know, then it can be tough to keep writing for long. You may get frustrated, and you can end up sounding like everyone else. But if you focus first of all on your area of expertise, then you will come off as more natural and will be able to share things that perhaps no one else is sharing.

You don’t have to stick to only the topics you are an expert in. You can branch out later on, but that should wait until you are comfortable writing and at the point where writing comes naturally and smoothly to you.

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Try Not to Divide

Everyone has opinions that could make other people disagree with them and even not like them. However, you want to be careful about sharing those opinions that will divide people. Your business should be friendly and personable and welcoming, and you cannot present that kind of face to the public if you dive into topics like religion and politics and social issues.

Some companies do a good job of talking about those topics, but they do it in a way that intentionally divides or in a way that does not offend. You have to pick your battles and pick your topics carefully. Don’t wade into an area where you don’t feel comfortable or where you are likely to cause offense.

Be very picky about what you choose to discuss and how you choose to talk about any topic. You could possibly offend without realizing it, and that can be damaging to your business. Be very careful in what you say on hot topic issues and current events. People will have strong opinions on those, and you need to exercise discretion when it comes to those areas. It is always safer to avoid those as much as possible.

Use Keywords Strategically

Your blog posts should be an opportunity to advertise. So, when people are looking for information that relates to your business, they should find your blog because you are using relevant, hot keywords.

If you are writing a house cleaning or house decoration blog, for example, then you want to talk about the main providers for cleaning and the services they offer. This will naturally be a way to incorporate cleaning keywords and house décor keywords that your audience might be searching for. You want to draw the relevant people to your site who would be likely to use your services, so make sure you are targeting them with the proper keywords.

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You can use a keyword tool to find out which keywords are relevant and very actively used right now. You want to be careful about overstuffing your article with keywords. Try to keep the keywords to 1-3% usage in your blog posts.

Be Careful with Blog Post Size

You want your blog posts to be information and valuable, so they will need to be longer than just a hundred words or so. They should be anywhere from 500-1,000 words long. That will be long enough to show the search algorithm that you have real content, and it will be long enough to cover the topic you are writing about.

Your blog posts need to be long enough so that you can say something worthwhile and not just be pithy, quick posts that you churn out fast. The blog should show that effort is being put into what is being written. Your customers and site visitors will see through transparent attempts to simply produce content to blatantly pull in viewers without offering them anything of value in return.

Edit Your Content

You might want to hire someone to edit your blog posts and make sure that they are clear of errors and typos. You can use several grammar and spelling checker programs to find most errors, but what about factual errors? Those will need human eyes to find.

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Ideally, you will have at least two people look at each blog post- the writer and the editor. You may also have a content manager look it over, as well as other key personnel, if you are serious about making the blog an integral part of your online presence.

It will show if you are taking care with your blog or if you are producing it cheaply and quickly. You can create a valuable source of information for your website that draws people in with attractive photos, nice design, and thoughtful insights. Or you can churn out meaningless drivel that drives people away because they are not interested in what you are writing about.  

What Does Your Blog Have to Say?

Ultimately, you need to ask yourself this question: What do I want my blog post to say? Should it be fun and funny or serious and business minded? Should it be packed with information or be light reading? Should it be relevant to topics of the day or should it be non-topical?

Your blog creates an identity for your business, and it adds to that identity every time you post something there. Think about that as you plan out your blog.

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