How to prepare for CISA Certification


Recently, there has been a drastic increase in the rates of cyber threats and cybercrimes, which has raised the demand for cybersecurity professionals or CISA certified professionals. If the confidential data of an industry falls into the wrong hands, it can cause great damage to the industry. Cybersecurity professionals are skilled at fighting off hackers and preventing any loss or alteration of data. CISA certification course allows you to understand the key concepts of cybersecurity. 


Certified Information System Auditor or CISA allows you to learn the skills needed to control and administrate IT services. The unauthorized access or hacking into a computer network or system can lead to the loss and alteration of confidential data of industry. CISA certified professionals are skilled at managing such situations by fighting off the hackers and keeping the valuable assets of an industry safe and secure. This certification is offered by ISACA or Information Systems Audit and Control Association

Steps to achieve CISA certification

If you want to achieve CISA certification, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

  • You must pass the CISA certification. 
  • The next step includes the form of submission for CISA certification.
  • You must follow the code of professional ethics.

You can also take up an online CISA certification training course to enhance your opportunities for clearing the examination on your first attempt. 

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Skills gained from CISA certification course

You will attain a variety of skills after completing the CISA certification course. Some of these skills are mentioned below:

  • You will have an in-depth understanding of the methods and principles related to IS assurance and audit.
  • You will understand how to govern and manage IT associated environments.
  • You will also gain a complete understanding and knowledge about each of the domains present under CISA. 

Advantages of CISA certification course

Undergoing CISA certification training enables you to enhance your skills and knowledge. It is important for the experts who are in charge of management, monitoring, and controlling a system linked to any IT industry. There are few suitable roles available such as:

  • Architects
  • Security Director
  • Serving and Managing compliance
  • Handling risk management of the industry
  • Audit professionals

Best Job Roles for CISA certified professionals

The jobs that are best suitable for CISA certified experts are given below:

  • IT Auditor
  • Cybercrime Investigator
  • Penetration Tester
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Information Security Manager
  • Incident Responder
  • Cybersecurity Architect
  • Cybersecurity Engineer

CISA certification course qualities

To attain a CISA certification course, you must follow the steps mentioned below:

  • It is mandatory to submit the form, and after clearing the CISA certification, you must complete its perquisites within five years. 
  • To keep your certification active, you have to renew it every three years. You have to earn a total of 120 credits to successfully maintain your certification. 
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Length of CISA certification course 

If you take up online training courses and choose the self-paced class, you might be able to finish the complete course within forty hours. If it is an online classroom method, you can complete the course as quickly as thirty-two hours.

CISA training certification is a tough exam to clear on your first attempt. If you are unsuccessful at clearing the certification on your first attempt, you can re-take the exam. Candidates receive proper training to be able to pass the examination. 

CISA certification maintenance

It is not a permanent certification, which is why it requires renewal every three years. To maintain your certification, you have to earn 120 credits every three years. You also have to pay an extra price of $40 to keep your certification active. It allows you to keep yourself up to date regarding the new skills and techniques. You can acquire your certificate within a month after clearing the certification exam.

Certification training course

After taking up the online training course, you can receive various materials and resources related to the subject. You will also be provided with sample questions and mock exams. Mock exams can help you to locate and strengthen your weak areas. You can also get the handbook for the CISA certification exam. 

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Additional information regarding the CISA certification exam

CISA certification exam contains a total of 150 multiple choice-based questions. It has a time limit of around four hours. You need to score at least 450 or above out of 800 to pass the certification exam. 800 is the highest point of the examination, which represents complete precision in every question. 

After cracking the CISA certification exam, you will receive your certification within a month. This certification verifies your skills and talents in every aspect related to cybersecurity. Achieving this certification will allow you to gain respect and acknowledgment within your organization. 

Final Words

The demand for CISA certified professionals is increasing every day. This certification validates your skills and proficiency in managing, auditing, control, and security. This certification helps you to accumulate all the skills required to turn them into a professional in the field of information and security. Achieving CISA certification will add value to your resume, and it will provide you with an advantage over the other non-certified candidates. CISA certifications prove your reliability to the organization. It also proves your skills in protecting the valuable assets of the industry from any harm or threat from unknown sources. It will also provide you with higher job opportunities and also an increase in income. It is known to be one of the most crucial certifications to boost your career opportunities in the field of cybersecurity. 

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