10 Tricks To Increase Your Intelligence

10 Tricks To Increase Your Intelligence

We don’t want to fool anyone with pseudoscience: there is a part of our intellectual capacities that will never change. No study on intelligence enhancement has been conclusive. To explain it simply, we have a base that is determined by biology and that cannot be greater than it already is, but the good news is that we can train ourselves to develop other skills and improve the ones we already have. This would be the part of intelligence that is determined by culture and environment and that is not “intelligence” per se, but it seems so, that is, we are not going to earn IQ points, but we can acquire some tools that facilitate us certain tasks. We will not be smarter in the strict sense, but we will seem so and we will make certain tasks easier for us.


By reading we use our full potential, but we also acquire knowledge that provides us with multiple tools to make inferences, solve problems, learn to value other points of view … The basis of any culture should be a good amount of varied and interesting readings.

Be curious

We already talked to you that curiosity is one of the most important values ​​that students should promote, but it is that, if you want to train your abilities and take full advantage of your intelligence, being curious is vital. Ask what you do not know, investigate, do not settle for the first explanation … Being curious is very important to increase your intelligence (or improve the one you already have).

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Train your logic

Intelligence is closely related to logic and mathematics. Do not stop training them if you want to keep your brain in shape.

Improve your vocabulary

The vocabulary helps us train linguistic-verbal intelligence. In addition, the more words we have in our heads, the more concepts we will know and the more synapses our brain will make. Language is the map that builds and draws our thinking; take care of him.

Train your memory

The studies say that increasing memory does not increase intelligence, but it does help to the study, the acquisition of knowledge, to slow cognitive decline and, yes, to look smarter.

Do meditation

It is difficult to find something on meditation that is separate from pseudoscience or spirituality, but if you search well it is achieved. It is becoming increasingly clear that meditation brings multiple benefits to our brain and helps us focus and disconnect from the factors that cause us stress.

Improve your empathy

Empathy is a form of intelligence necessary in all social species. Without it, it would be impossible to live in society, so training it is tremendously important not only to improve our abilities, but also to improve our social relationships and our way of solving problems.

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Train your creativity

According to ghostwriter it’s not about you starting to paint or make sculptures if you don’t like it. The creativity is applicable to all facets of our life and is very useful for solving problems in original ways and find some alternative solutions.

Be critical

Do not take everything for granted, imagine new solutions and consider that anything is susceptible to being criticized and, therefore, improved. Do not settle for what they tell you, do your own research and draw your own conclusions. Having critical thinking is a great tool that shows intelligence, but, like everything else, you have to work on it.

Question yourself

You are not infallible, allow yourself to learn, allow yourself to be wrong. If you believe in something strongly, ask yourself why, list your arguments and listen to those of others. A trait that shows intelligence is knowing how to evolve in our thinking and not thinking that we are right in everything.

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