YouTube Dark Mode

How to Easily Activate YouTube Hidden Dark Mode

Recently, Google has added a new aspect to YouTube that changed its look for its users. This new design of YouTube is called “Youtube Dark Mode“. Now you can switch any time from the normal mode to Dark Mode without any trouble.

After the activation of YouTube Dark Mode, you can able to watching YouTube Videos without any stress on your eyes till late night. This new feature of YouTube hidden Dark mode is very simple to enable. This Dark Mode is very simple to switch, once it has been activated then it brings some minor twist to the overall web interface of YouTube design.

YouTube Dark Mode theme expand all over the website, including videos, searches, subscription page and even your own YouTube Channel interface. For the activation of Youtube Hidden Dark Mode needs little bit time but it takes less than the minute.

You can use this feature of YouTube at any time in day and night. It is available on the website and not on the app, this feature is on trial basis and could b end in any time.

If you want to enjoy the new feature of Hidden Dark Mode then follow the simple steps below and activate it.

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Activate YouTube Dark Mode on Window

  1. You need Chrome version 57 or above for enabling the YouTube Hidden Dark Mode.
  2. Dark Mode can run both on Window or Mac OS.
  3. Open Google Chrome latest version and sign in to your YouTube account.
  4. Now you can open directly on Window by hitting Ctrl+Shift+I.
  5. After this, Click on Consul menu and paste the following code into text box (document.cookie=”VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE” )then Enter.
  6. After pasting the code, and refresh the YouTube page.
  7. Now your YouTube Dark Hidden Mode will be enabled, you just need to click on your Google profile picture of the right side of the page and select Dark Mode.
  8. You can also activate Dark Mode through open your Chrome Developer menu, Click on Customize and control Google Chrome and select more option, then enter developer tool option and at the end open consul menu and paste the code (document.cookie=”VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE” )then Enter.
  9. After entering the code, close counsel and refresh your page.
  10. Now click on the avatar at the top right corner of the page and should be able to see Dark Mode setting. Now you will capable to active or deactivate YouTube Hidden Dark Mode. Activate Dark Hidden Mode on Mac OS.

Activate YouTube Dark Mode On Mac

  1. You need Chrome version 57 or onward for the activation of Dark Mode.
  2. Now sign with your YouTube Account.
  3. select the consul, after clicking on customizing and control Google Chrome.
  4. enter this code (document.cookie=”VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE”) in counsel.
  5. close the consul and refresh the page.
  6. Now you are able to go Dark Mode setting after clicking on the top right corner of the page.
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