Worth of Instagram Growth Service
An Instagram Growth Service (IGS) is an online platform for your welfare. It is a team of social media marketers that grows your Instagram following and engagement. They spend their hours a day in-
- Following accounts that like your content
- Unfollow the accounts of those who unfollow you
- Liking posts that match your content
- Commenting on your influencers account
- Skyrocket your following so you will be noticed by the top-rated brands
- Boost engagement to increase sales
Does it worth paying for Instagram Growth Service?
Yes, you can do it on your own. However, it will take a long time. You will be required to spend hours daily on Instagram to attract the right audience. You will have to give a lot of time on the single platform for liking, commenting, posting, following, unfollowing and the list goes so on.
You have a business, job and social life to engage in. So, it is not possible to spend the majority of your time on social media. Due to this reason, many of the companies are paying someone to grow their accounts.
It is recommended to pay a fee and hire a team of experienced Instagram marketers for the task. It will benefit you from both sides; they will help you to grow your account. On the same token, you will get some extra time to invest elsewhere.
PROS of Instagram Growth Service-
- The biggest benefit of Instagram Growth Service is engagement and exponential growth in the Instagram following.
- If you wish to make money through Instagram, you are required to have a wide list of followers that are interested in your goods and services. You can achieve this goal only through IGS.
- It will save a lot of time. IGS will provide you an opportunity to focus on other parts of the business. As a result, their fees will pay for themselves in no time.
- They are third-party apps that work on your behalf. Moreover, engage from your Instagram account.
- They have bots that automate engagement from your account.
- It focuses on providing an expert knowledge base at a minimal cost.
- It expands your marketing channels.
The services will help you to get more followers as they promise. However, the majority of them may or may not be real. Taking use of Instagram Growth Service is a great option. But, boosting quick growth by gaining fake engagement is not a good idea.
Types of Instagram Growth Services-
They are divided into 3 categories, that are-
- Automation Driven
- Niche Services
- Traditional Agency
For making a sound decision it is essential to focus on the differences between these 3 concepts. Have a glance at the meaning and importance of all these models.
- Bot or Automation Driven Instagram Growth Agency- This agency operates on software or scripts. They fall into the lower pricing tier and its characteristics include-
- No face behind the agency (Generic Presence)
- Fair prices
On the same token, they have the drawback that it is hard for you to understand their tactics.
NOTE-Huge risks can be imposed on your account through a bot-driven Instagram growth agency.
- Niche Based Model- This model is the Ampfluence model that offers services like-social media post creation, Pinterest growth and product scheduling. Some basic characteristics of these model include-
- Experts in a specific niche
- The visible presence of a brand
- Pricing that is viewable by all
- Team Page
- Transparent Process
- 24*7 customer support service
Unlike competitors, they are all about human-powered growth.
- Traditional Agency Model- It is your standard marketing agency that includes-
- Quote Pricing
- Add-on-service
- Top-Tier-Pricing
They do not specialize in Instagram growth. They manage websites, content production and social media scheduling. Moreover, are capable to integrate social media management.
Now, after understanding the different categories, let’s dig deep into what Instagram growth services you should be looking for. Have a glance at the methods to grow your follower base.
- Organic Growth- This growth is related to being active on the platform. It will use your account to increase your online visibility.
Note- If the growth service claims they are performing organic activities but they didn’t access your account. It is your foremost responsibility to ask them about their strategy to promote your account without having access to it.
- Paid Advertising- It helps to grow your account through Instagram Ads. An ad will appear in stories that direct a user to your profile and he/she can choose to follow you.
Note- If you have a budget and skillset then paid advertising is not bad for you.
- Influencer Marketing- It is the practice of leveraging another influencer’s audience to market your product and services. Its different forms may include-
- Instagram Sponsored Posts
- External promotion on other social profiles
- Ambassador Programs
Facts to be considered while hiring an Instagram Growth Service-
- Prefer Quality Growth Over Vanity Metrics- Quality growth focuses on building a quality audience. Such as-
- Existing and Potential Customer
- Influencers in your niche and crossword industries
Note- To ensure that the growth agency is working towards account growth, you can ask them how they identify your targeted audience.
- Reporting- A reliable growth service shares reports about follower’s growth. Ask these essential questions by company.
- Does it offer qualitative suggestions or recommendations?
- Do they offer solutions to improve your content?
- Ask about customer support- Customer support is a must when you hire a growth service. It offers you the freedom to ask your queries regarding your account growth and strategy.
Final Thoughts-
You know well, Instagram is changing constantly. It provides you an opportunity to earn a full-time income. It is only possible when you have thousands of followers with tons of likes and comments on your post.
You can perform this task manually or you can pay for an Instagram growth service to do it on your behalf. Both the methods are good but the second one can offer some additional benefits. However, your preference depends on your budget and expectations.
Instagram growth service is an external means to boost your follower base.