Tips to Boost Wifi Signal While Working From Home

Working from home might be extremely comfortable, but for some of us that live far from metropolitan areas and in some remote area, working from home can be really bothersome. Constant internet issues plague your efficiency and keep you from finishing your work and give the best results you possible can. 

A WiFi connection is obviously needed while you work from home and making sure you get the most from your internet connection, from stability to speed is paramount to your contributions to your company. Even for people living in the cities, you might have a great connection at home but due to some reason or the other, you might not be experiencing speeds that help you contribute heavily and finish your tasks. 

If you are remotely working from home, we suggest you put these into effect right away.

  1. Optimal router placement: If your router cannot provide connectivity unless you are standing right next to it, you might be in urgent need to switch its location. This is not a difficult task. You can do it yourself or you can even give your ISP a call to do it for you. The placement of the router heavily affects wireless coverage. The best idea is to find a more central location to keep the router so that your entire house can have a similar amount of connectivity. You need to keep in mind a few things though. Do not keep it in a room with thick walls since thick walls tend to dull WiFi signals. Do not keep your router around heavy electronics since the radio waves can dull down by them too. Also makes sure you use a good router with a strong antenna.
  2. Make sure the frequency is right: If you did not know about this, then you really should look into this feature of your router and how wireless signals work. WiFi signals operate within two frequency bands, 2.4GHz and a 5GHz band. The higher band offers faster speeds and encounters less interference from electronics and other radio waves; however, they also have limited range. The 2.4GHz on the other hand has a greater range but is heavily affected by stray radio waves. This is more of a personalized solution. If your house is small with more electronics, use 5GHz band. If you house is big but has less interference, use a 2.4GHz band instead.
  3. Select an automated channel: In densely populated areas, stray signals from other networks are rampant and can cause a lot of issues. Selecting an automated channel on your router ensures the router selected the channel with the least amount of congestion.
  4. Disconnect extra devices: To ensure the best possible speeds from your connection, you can try and disconnect devices from your WiFi and see if that helps.
  5. Use a wired connection: If you want the maximum priority while using your WiFi, you can use the LAN cable. Using a wired connection makes sure there is no signal loss due to whatever reason and you get the best possible speed your ISP is able to provide.
  6. Use application to figure out dead zones: You can use a variety of different application you can easily find online that let you find dead zones inside your house. Dead zones are areas inside your house with no internet connectivity due to either distance from the router or due to interference. Finding out these dead zones can be important. Try not to work from these areas of your house and rather work from a place of maximum connectivity.
  7. Use WiFi boosters and extenders to help with coverage: Once you have found these apparent dead zones, you can start investing in WiFi boosters that help rebroadcast the signal and provide connectivity throughout your house. WiFi boosters work really well to quell dead zones. They are simply devices that you can plug into an electrical socket, connect to an existing WiFi, and the device starts acting like a beacon, broadcasting WiFi signals for increased connectivity. One such product is SuperBoost Wifi you can read SuperBoost WiFi Review in details here.
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These are few tips that can help with a better WiFi connection while you work from home. WiFi connections can provide a lot of issues if not setup properly. You can use either of these methods, or all of them to heavily boost connectivity inside your home.

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