React JS Development: What is it and Why Should you Use It?

Setting up an e-commerce website can be quite the challenge, but it’s necessary if you want to succeed in the modern business world. When it comes to e-commerce platforms, you have options ranging from platforms like Shopify to open source platforms like Magento . But did you know that there are options out there which are even more simple and cost-effective? You can create your very own custom e-commerce platform using React JS Development, which makes use of cutting edge technology while being easy enough for any developer to use! Here are just some of the things that make React JS Development so amazing.

1) It’s JavaScript

React JS has its roots in JavaScript, so to better understand how React works, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what JavaScript does. JavaScript is a programming language that allows developers to develop dynamic content for web pages. This makes it one of two essential languages for web development. The other language, HTML, allows developers to tell browsers how they want their page to look.

2) It’s Frontend Technology

JavaScript development has been a driving force behind web development since its inception. The latest version of JavaScript, called ECMAScript 6 (ES6), brought us some pretty impressive additions that take JavaScript from being a scripting language to one that’s capable of running on servers through Node.js or can be compiled to run on machines with a specific architecture. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here! Let’s break down what React JS development actually means first. Know more here

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3) It’s Open Source

While React has been making headlines in front-end development, there are plenty of other areas where React can be put to good use. It’s particularly useful when you want to create a great user experience (UX) for your app or website, like we’ve done here at uiGuru. Regardless of what type of app or site you’re creating, having a strong UX can increase user engagement and conversion rates — but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Our guide will show you how simple making a great UX with React really is.

4) Where Can I Use It?

Relying on JavaScript allows programmers to build dynamic websites, applications, or even online games. Since its introduction in 1995, JavaScript has evolved considerably with new frameworks emerging every year. ReactJS was created by Facebook in 2013 after they were disappointed with AngularJS’s performance. Unlike other JavaScript libraries, React relies on two-way data binding between components rather than one-way bindings of components created using templates. This makes using Reactjs relatively easy because every change automatically updates what is shown to users making app creation simple for users who are not well versed in programming languages like Java or C++.

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