Good reasons to ask your followers a lot of questions
Being able to count on the new means of online communication, for companies and organizations around the world, means above all having the opportunity to get to know their consumers, even potential consumers, more deeply, all those users who visit the brand’s virtual spaces – websites, blogs, social media – and who in the not too distant future could become customers in their own right, perhaps after having made a purchase or submitted a request for a quotation for a certain service.
The advent of the new social arenas for communication, called social networks, has also made possible unprecedented interaction between the company and its interlocutors, reaching such levels of intimacy that would have been almost unthinkable a few years ago.
Thanks to social media sponsorship tools, companies are able to create specific messages for certain categories of users, carefully selecting them on the basis of their residence, age and interests, all information that the user voluntarily enters on social media (such as Facebook) at the time of registration, thus making him or her easily findable by anyone interested in finding him or her.
A new intimacy
Although some still find it hard to believe, this intimacy will become even deeper with the rise of the metaverse, a system of interconnected virtual worlds in which people will move, work and play virtually, through their avatars.
Thanks to certain technologies belonging to virtual reality, some social media such as Facebook will even be able to know some sensitive data such as heartbeats or temperature changes, thus having even more information about each of us.
The most common mistake companies make is to consider social media users (i.e. their potential new customers) as mere targets, as a shapeless mass of people to be continually fed with interesting content, exciting stories and breathtaking products, in the hope that sooner or later (hopefully as soon as possible) they will become buyers in their own right, thus adding to the ranks of their most loyal and devoted customers.
But to use all this information only for this purpose would be reductive, even limiting, because in this way there is a real risk of ignoring the fundamental contribution that users can make to strengthening company performance, creating new products, and so on.
Every company should spend time actively engaging with its users, especially on social media. Brands should ask questions, initiate discussions, even ask for people’s opinion on certain well-defined topics.
Initiating a dialogue between the brand and the consumer is not only one of the pillars of the new human-centered communication, which revolves around the person, his or her feelings and needs, but can also be an exceptionally effective tool to receive feedback on the products, services offered by the company.
It could also prove extremely useful in giving concrete form to new ideas for products or services to be marketed, and for which it could provide the decisive input. Today’s communication is increasingly humanized, more and more based on direct exchanges and real dialogues between people, in particular between company representatives and prospective or already loyal customers.
From these conversations, in the short to medium term, extremely useful insights could arise for a brand’s operational and commercial strategies.
Fruitful dialogue
Winning brands today are those that engage in fruitful dialogue with their stakeholders, but also those that continue to offer them information of real use through the many tools made available by the web and digitisation. Every brand should activate a blog dedicated solely to the publication of useful information and news for customers, also based on their specific requests or frequently asked questions.
An example of this strategy can be observed within online gambling portals, where special sections have been created dedicated to guides, useful tips and reviews of the various online casinos, thus providing the potential customer with a complete overview of what they can find on that portal.
This is exactly how one creates added value for people, i.e. by giving them useful and immediately usable content, possibly in a single platform. In addition to offering the most entertaining online casino games and the best casino bonuses, these portals therefore offer concrete help to all kinds of users, even those who are entering the world of online entertainment for the first time, thus giving them the best possible acclimatization.
The success of a company nowadays also depends to a large extent on the quality of the dialogue it manages to establish with people, with its interlocutors.