Never Underestimate The Power Of A 6 Monitor Setup 3 pics

Never Underestimate The Power Of A 6 Monitor Setup 3 pics

You can do so much with a 6 monitor setup. Research now shows that multiple monitors increase your productivity but let’s also not forget about our time off. Imagine your very own mini-cinema with 6 monitors and awesome lighting? In fact, the desktop or laptop that powers all these screens needs a high-quality technical specification, including adequate video card and processing power, which also gives you a lot of flexibility. Check out this link for some awesome examples.

The Power of 6 Monitor Setup

  • Visuals
  • Extra space
  • Higher performance
  • Display options
  • Improved communications


Clearly, having a 6 monitor setup means that you can see everything much better although how this looks and feels depends on the size of your screens. Another point to add is that you can extend your display, allowing you to see your game or film across all your monitors. Furthermore, you can angle your screens for the most comfortable viewing arrangement. In fact, a 6 monitor setup can be hugely beneficial to your posture and can reduce potential strain injuries if you arrange it properly for your height.

When it comes to visuals, these are powered by graphics cards and most computers today have an integrated graphics card. Nevertheless, it’s worth knowing to look for at least a 2GB specification although this goes up to 4GB, 6GB, and even 8GB. You might want to consider the higher end of the range if you play a lot of games and films or even do lots of multimedia editing. Although, this might impact the power supply unit you need.

Extra Space

A 6 monitor setup obviously gives you more digital space to work with. How you use it is up to you but play around with having different programs open on various screens so that you work on things simultaneously. A multi-monitor setup also makes it much easier to compare documents or copy and paste from one to another. Naturally, you can tab through your various windows whilst working. However, shifting your eyes or your head across multiple screens is actually much easier and faster.

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Higher Performance

Having a 6 monitor setup means that you’ll have a pretty powerful computer to keep up with the display on all your screens, regardless of whether you choose mac or windows 10. All that extra RAM, graphics card, and processing power mean that you’ll also be able to have many more things open such as web pages, programs, tools, and documents. For instance, perhaps you need some tools and web pages for your morning meetings but different ones for the afternoon. However, you don’t want to close everything in between because you’re coming back to them to make your amendments. A 6 monitor setup will easily allow you to do that although you’ll have to pay attention to what power supply and usage you’ll need.

One note of caution though is to avoid getting overwhelmed. Everyone knows that starting too many things at once also reduces the likelihood of finishing them. So, make sure you plan your day and your digital space to help you rather than hinder you.

Display Options

The power of your multi-monitor setup is up to you and how you optimize it. For example, do you want to extend your display across all your screens to make it one larger screen? Most people go for this option but then again, there are pros of having separate monitors working together. For instance, if you’re a marketing professional with lots of trade shows to attend, then you might appreciate that option. This is because you can spread your monitors out across your booth and have different products displayed on each screen. All this due to having the right graphics card specs so depends on your budget, the higher the better.

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Another important part of a better 6 monitor setup is to use your shortcuts. These are usually put into your operating system but you can also install DisplayFusion. This program has many more shortcuts specially designed to increase your multi-monitor experience.

Improved Communications

Last but not least, your video conferencing experience will also go up. Thanks to your graphics card, you’ll have a higher quality image. Also, Zoom is now designed to work on a multi-monitor setup such that you can work on your shared screen with your colleagues whilst viewing them on another screen. Furthermore, you can have Skype, Slack, and any other writing or speaking video tool on other screens so that everyone is instantly accessible. It’s amazing how everyone likes to use different tools but, thanks to your graphics cards and multiple monitors, you can now easily work with multiple programs.

Final Thoughts on the Power of a 6 Monitor Setup

Of course, you need to make your multi-monitor setup work for you and what you need, whether this is across two, three, or even 6 monitors and with mac or windows 10. Simply make sure you check the details of the graphics card and processing power and then use some shortcuts. The best part is to play around with your display options and layout until you’re happy. You’ll soon find your ideal workflow such that you’ll simply love what a 6 monitor setup does for you.

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