Ultra HD or Netflix 4K technology is another gigantic leap in TV technology. It’s been only a few years since its debut in the TV world but it has gained tremendous popularity among the viewers both in terms of its benefits over HD and the rapidity with which it is becoming cheaper.

Ultra HD TVs are now available in budget prices and therefore, laying your hands on one is not a far-fetched dream anymore. Guess what? Your favorite streaming service Netflix 4k is now providing a huge library of native 4K content. And it’s incredibly easy to enable Ultra HD streaming on your Netflix account. However, be prepared to set aside a handsome budget for it already because, besides a 4K TV, you’ll have to opt for a few more expensive options if you are truly obsessed with the clarity and detail of Ultra HD display.

This guide will tell you step-by-step how to stream Netflix In Ultra HD or 4K.


The first requisite for accessing 4K content is the appropriate subscription package. Not all the packages allow for Ultra HD streaming, and you need to upgrade to the Premium Plan to enable 4K streaming from your account. Be aware that this is the most expensive package, amounting to $11.99 a month. Besides 4K streaming, this plan offers all the features that are common to other subscription plans including a free one-month trial.

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Moreover, the option of switching to a different package remains open to you throughout the duration of your membership. So, you can decide whether your Netflix 4K experience is worth the extra money that you are paying or you were better off with a cheaper plan.

If you are new to Netflix 4k, you opt for a premium plan right away as you sign up. If you have been using Netflix already but didn’t sign up for Premium package previously, you can easily adapt it by following these steps:

Sign in to your Netflix account from your web browser.

  • From the ‘Settings’ menu, go to ‘Change Plan’.
  • Three plans will be displayed with their specifications and monthly costs listed below them. Click on the ‘Premium’ Plan.


Data usage is one of the many things to consider if you want to enjoy the ultimate 4K experience. Most internet providers offer limited bandwidths as part of their monthly buckets and you are very likely to exceed them if you are streaming Netflix in Ultra HD. Ultra HD Netflix 4k content consumes about 7 GB per hour for each stream. This is an exorbitant amount of data and if you are watching an hour-long episode of a Netflix original every day, you are crossing your data caps already. So, brace yourself for paying for that extra data usage, which is not a bad bargain if you are truly obsessed with the video quality and if you can afford all the expenses that come with utilizing the best one available.

  • To stream Netflix 4k, follow the following simple steps
  • From your web browser, open your Netflix account and sign in.
  • From ‘Your Account’ page go to ‘Playback Settings’
  • Set the video quality to ‘High’.
  • If you choose Auto, your video quality will vary depending upon your Internet speed.
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Keep in mind that Ultra HD requires an outstanding internet connection. Netflix recommends a speed of at least 25 Mbps and a stable connection for the 4K content to run smoothly and to make sure it will visit So, if yours gets bogged by a mild drizzle or a gentle breeze, you will not be able to enjoy Netflix 4K even if you are paying for a Premium Plan. Sounds unfair, right? Well instead of fretting about it, try getting a good internet service. It’s going to cost you a bit more pennies but then who said watching Ultra HD was cheap?


Not all the TVs can display Ultra HD content, you’ll have to get a 4K TV and set it up properly to access this latest technology. Ultra HD is a newer technology and even though 4K HD TVs are getting cheaper, they are still quite expensive for a person with limited salary. Below is the list of all the TV brands that manufacture 4K HDTVs:

  • Hisense
  • Insignia
  • LG
  • Panasonic
  • Samsung
  • Sony
  • Toshiba
  • Tatung
  • TCL
  • Vestel
  • Vizio
  • Philips
  • Roku
  • Many other devices can also support Ultra HD streaming if they are connected to any of the above devices via an HDM1 port.
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This is perhaps the most cumbersome part. Imagine you fulfill all the above requirements (sign up for a Premium monthly package, get the fastest Internet connection available and allow unlimited data usage) and you still do not get to see your favorite titles in Ultra HD. Well, this is highly probable no matter how unfair. The content that is available for Ultra HD streaming is meager, compared to that available for HD or SD. However, there are still a lot of popular shows that do come in 4K.

See below if your favorite show makes it to the list of 4K titles:

  • 13 Reasons Why
  • Captain America
  • Orange is the New Black
  • Breaking Bad
  • House of Cards
  • Daredevil
  • Jessica Jones
  • Marco Polo
  • Stranger Things
  • Master of None
  • Lady Dynamite
  • The Crown
  • Black Mirror
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events

To find out whether a specific title is available in 4K, use your Netflix account to search for ‘Ultra HD or ‘Netflix 4K’ from a device that supports Ultra HD streaming. Note that not all the seasons of a show are necessarily available in Ultra HD, particularly older seasons are less likely to be in 4K.

The days when Ultra HD will be mainstream and not just a luxury afforded by a handful of people are not far away. So, embrace the magic of 8000 pixels that Ultra HD offers and maximize your Netflix 4k experience.

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