Do’s and Don’ts of Hybrid Storage:

The flexibility of using cloud solutions attracts small and large businesses. Most of them find using a hybrid cloud backup storage an ideal option, both for Hyper-V data and for that stored on physical hardware. But how do you get the most out of a hybrid storage system? Below are the best practices for reaping the most out of these storage options. 

The Do’s

You need to know what to do with a hybrid backup system to enjoy its fruits. Here are the things you must do to achieve excellent results.

Consider scalability

Consider your chosen model’s scalability levels. This factor lets you blend excellent performance with storage capacity. The storage should allow you to scale up or down while enjoying the same performance levels.

Consider the cost

It’s also beneficial to consider the actual cost per storage GB. Also, factor in how your hybrid storage provider calculates the prices. Consider if that cost per GB is potential, raw, or usable. Potential cost depends on the amount of space or cost you could save by deduplicating your data. Usable cost depends on factors, like data protection. 

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Plan for your hybrid storage before getting a vendor on board or doing it in-house. Otherwise, bringing in an outside vendor could take longer and even be more expensive than expected.

Define duties and processes

Define every internal and external process before implementing hybrid storage or getting an external vendor to do it for you. Also, define your vendor’s duties to enable them to work seamlessly with your team.

It’s also worthwhile to group your apps into their proper technological families. For example, you may categorize them into Amazon or Integration. This way, you will be better placed to know which ones should remain on your business premises and those that don’t. You will also know which apps will function effectively across cloud and on-site settings. 

Moreover, proper categorization enables you to know which group of apps or apps within a group can be transformed into a hybrid cloud environment. This way, you won’t depend on your incoming vendor to decide it for you because you won’t be at their mercy.

Clearly define your infrastructures’ composition 

Determine with finality what you want your hybrid storage to constitute and look like. For instance, determine if it will include data security and integrity. Ensure that all the relevant stakeholders review and approve the infrastructure before moving forward with it.

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Involve everyone

This practice builds on the previous one above. Ensure that everyone on your technical and operations teams has a say and hand in the hybrid system’s infrastructure. Allow all the stakeholders to review it and raise their honest feedback on it. Remember, they will oversee the system’s operations for the coming years. Therefore, you can only ignore them if you want your new system to fail.

Create a good working atmosphere with the external vendor

Make sure that your incoming vendor will not replace your operation’s team. Instead, they should work like hand and glove with your team.

The Don’ts 

Here are the things you shouldn’t do if you want your hybrid storage to succeed.

Focus on performance alone

While performance is good, and many vendors toss it as a selling point, don’t make it your only focus. Never ignore other factors, like overall long-term cost and ease of managing the hybrid system.

Ignore feedback  

Don’t ignore your team’s honest feedback on your proposed hybrid storage system. Only do it if you want the plan to fail before taking off the ground.

Pitch an external supplier against your team

Never create an atmosphere that makes these two players appear as if they are competing against each other. Instead, they should complement one another.

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Hide your project’s challenges

Everybody wants their hybrid system to succeed at all costs. However, never hide any shortcomings that could jeopardize it later on. Better admit and address any technical or budgetary challenge, rather than hide and fail.

Set unrealistic goals

Ambition is good. However, your ambition should also conform to reality. Thus, don’t set unrealistic goals and schedules that could hurt your efforts later.

That is it. The tips are out, and you should apply them all to set up a successful hybrid storage system. Make sure to incorporate these quality and safety considerations in your storage system setup, which can become a valuable supplement to a well-developed and reliable Hyper-V replication and backup plan. In this way, you’ll be 100% confident in the rigorous protection of your sensitive data, restoring access to it whenever your system fails. Be sure that your effort will soon pay off in the form of robust data protection and business continuity. 

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